Psicothema was founded in Asturias (northern Spain) in 1989, and is published jointly by the Psychology Faculty of the University of Oviedo and the Psychological Association of the Principality of Asturias (Colegio Oficial de Psicología del Principado de Asturias).
We currently publish four issues per year, which accounts for some 100 articles annually. We admit work from both the basic and applied research fields, and from all areas of Psychology, all manuscripts being anonymously reviewed prior to publication.

  • Director: Laura E. Gómez Sánchez
  • Frequency:
         February | May | August | November
  • ISSN: 0214-9915
  • Digital Edition:: 1886-144X
  • Address: Ildelfonso Sánchez del Río, 4, 1º B
    33001 Oviedo (Spain)
  • Phone: 985 285 778
  • Fax: 985 281 374

Validity evidence for the adaptation of the State Mindfulness Scale for Physical Activity (SMS-PA) in Spanish youth

Sarah Ullrich-French1, Juan González Hernández2 and María Dolores Hidalgo Montesinos2

1 Washington State University and
2 Universidad de Murcia

Background: Mindfulness is an increasingly popular construct with promise in enhancing multiple positive health outcomes. Physical activity is an important behavior for enhancing overall health, but no Spanish language scale exists to test how mindfulness during physical activity may facilitate physical activity motivation or behavior. This study examined the validity of a Spanish adaption of a new scale, the State Mindfulness Scale for Physical Activity, to assess mindfulness during a specific experience of physical activity. Method: Spanish youths (N = 502) completed a cross-sectional survey of state mindfulness during physical activity and physical activity motivation regulations based on Self-Determination Theory. Results: A high-order model fit the data well and supports the use of one general state mindfulness factor or the use of separate subscales of mindfulness of mental (e.g., thoughts, emotions) and body (physical movement, muscles) aspects of the experience. Internal consistency reliability was good for the general scale and both sub-scales. The pattern of correlations with motivation regulations provides further support for construct validity with significant and positive correlations with self-determined forms of motivation and significant and negative correlations with external regulation and amotivation. Conclusions: Initial validity evidence is promising for the use of the adapted measure.

Adaptación y validez de la State Mindfulness Scale for Physical Activity (SMS-PA) en jóvenes españoles. Antecedentes: la atención plena (mindfulness) es un constructo cada vez más popular con prometedores resultados en la mejora de la salud. La actividad física es también importante para mejorar el estado de salud general, pero  no se dispone de una escala en español para obtener evidencias de cómo la atención plena durante la práctica de actividad física puede facilitar la motivación de la misma. Este estudio examina la validez de la adaptación española de la State Mindfulness Scale for Physical Activity (SMS-PA). Método: 502 jóvenes completaron el cuestionario de mindfulness durante la realización de una actividad física y un cuestionario de regulación motivacional de realización de actividad física. Resultados: los datos  ajustaron a un modelo factorial de orden superior, y apoyan el uso del factor general de atención plena y dos subescalas separadas referidas a experiencias relacionadas con la mente (pensamientos y emociones) y el cuerpo (movimiento del cuerpo y los músculos). La consistencia interna fue buena para el total y subescalas. Las correlaciones con la regulación motivacional apoyan la validez de constructo, con correlaciones positivas y significativas con autorregulación y negativas con regulación externa y  desmotivación. Conclusiones: estas evidencias iniciales de validez son prometedoras para el uso de la versión adaptada.


Impact Factor JCR SSCI Clarivate 2023 = 3.2 (Q1) / CiteScore SCOPUS 2023 = 6.5 (Q1)