Psicothema was founded in Asturias (northern Spain) in 1989, and is published jointly by the Psychology Faculty of the University of Oviedo and the Psychological Association of the Principality of Asturias (Colegio Oficial de Psicología del Principado de Asturias).
We currently publish four issues per year, which accounts for some 100 articles annually. We admit work from both the basic and applied research fields, and from all areas of Psychology, all manuscripts being anonymously reviewed prior to publication.
Juan Fernández, M. Ángeles Quiroga, Sergio Escorial and Jesús Privado
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Background: Gender roles have been assessed by explicit measures and, recently, by implicit measures. In the former case, the theoretical assumptions have been questioned by empirical results. To solve this contradiction, we carried out two concatenated studies based on a relatively well-founded theoretical and empirical approach. Method: The first study was designed to obtain a sample of genderized activities of the domestic sphere by means of an explicit assessment. Forty-two raters (22 women and 20 men, balanced on age, sex, and level of education) took part as raters. In the second study, an implicit assessment of gender roles was carried out, focusing on the response time given to the sample activities obtained from the first study. A total of 164 adults (90 women and 74 men, mean age = 43), with experience in living with a partner and balanced on age, sex, and level of education, participated. Results: Taken together, results show that explicit and implicit assessment converge. The current social reality shows that there is still no equity in some gender roles in the domestic sphere. Conclusions: These consistent results show considerable theoretical and empirical robustness, due to the double implicit and explicit assessment.
Evaluación explícita e implícita de los roles de género. Antecedentes: los roles de género han sido evaluados con medidas explícitas y, recientemente, implícitas. En el primer caso, los supuestos teóricos no se ajustan a los resultados empíricos. Para intentar resolver este problema hemos realizado dos estudios consecutivos con un enfoque, teórico y empírico, bien fundamentado. Método: el primero fue diseñado para obtener una muestra de actividades de género de la esfera doméstica mediante medidas explícitas. Los evaluadores fueron 42 adultos (22 mujeres y 20 varones, equiparados en edad, sexo y nivel educativo). En el segundo se utilizó una medida implícita, centrada en los tiempos de respuesta que las personas dan a las actividades de género, obtenidas en el primer estudio. Participaron 164 adultos (90 mujeres y 74 varones, media de edad= 43) con experiencia de vida en pareja y equiparados en edad, sexo y nivel educativo. Resultados: tomados conjuntamente, estos dos estudios muestran que es posible validar los datos obtenidos con una medida explícita mediante otra implícita: en la realidad social actual sigue sin haber equidad en ciertos roles de género del ámbito doméstico. Conclusiones: estos resultados, concordantes, manifiestan consistencia teórica y empírica, debido a la doble medida utilizada: explícita e implícita.