Psicothema was founded in Asturias (northern Spain) in 1989, and is published jointly by the Psychology Faculty of the University of Oviedo and the Psychological Association of the Principality of Asturias (Colegio Oficial de Psicología del Principado de Asturias).
We currently publish four issues per year, which accounts for some 100 articles annually. We admit work from both the basic and applied research fields, and from all areas of Psychology, all manuscripts being anonymously reviewed prior to publication.

  • Director: Laura E. Gómez Sánchez
  • Frequency:
         February | May | August | November
  • ISSN: 0214-9915
  • Digital Edition:: 1886-144X
  • Address: Ildelfonso Sánchez del Río, 4, 1º B
    33001 Oviedo (Spain)
  • Phone: 985 285 778
  • Fax: 985 281 374

Smoking habit profile and health-related quality of life

Elisardo Becoña, Mª Isabel Vázquez, Mª del Carmen Míguez, Elena Fernández del Río, Ana López-Durán, Úrsula Martínez and Bárbara Piñeiro

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Background: Few studies have investigated the relationship between smoking and health-related quality of life (HRQOL), and the results are not consistent. The aim of this study is to explore the association between smoking and HRQOL. Method: Cross-sectional study of 714 Spanish adults (44.7% never smokers and 55.3% smokers) without diagnosis of physical or mental disorder. Each participant provided information about different sociodemographic variables and data on HRQOL. Smokers also reported smoking-related information about smoking-related variables. Results: Nicotine dependence was not associated with the physical dimension of HRQOL, but in the mental component, nicotine dependent smokers showed worse HRQOL than never smokers (p = 0.004) and than non-nicotine dependent smokers (p = 0.014). There were no differences between no-nicotine dependent smokers and never smokers. Smoking status (non smokers vs. smokers), number of cigarettes smoked per day, stage of change, quit attempts in the past year or age of smoking onset were not related to HRQOL. Conclusions: In subjects without physical or mental diseases, only nicotine dependent smokers showed a significant impairment in the mental component of HRQOL. Therefore, it is important to consider nicotine dependence in the relationship between smoking and HRQOL.

Perfil de tabaquismo y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Antecedentes: pocos estudios han investigado la relación entre tabaquismo y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) y los resultados han sido discrepantes. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la relación entre consumo de tabaco y CVRS. Método: estudio transversal en el que participaron 714 adultos (44,7% no fumadores y 55,3% fumadores) sin diagnóstico de enfermedad física o mental. De cada participante se recogieron datos sociodemográficos y de CVRS, y de los fumadores también se recogió información sobre distintas variables relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco. Resultados: la dependencia de la nicotina no se asoció a la dimensión física de CVRS, pero en la dimensión mental los fumadores dependientes mostraron peor CVRS que los no fumadores (p= 0.004) y que los fumadores sin dependencia (p= 0.014). No se encontraron diferencias en función del número de cigarrillos fumados diariamente, el estadio de cambio, los intentos de abandono o la edad de inicio en el consumo de tabaco. Conclusiones: en personas sin diagnóstico de enfermedad física o mental solo los fumadores dependientes de la nicotina muestran deterioro en la dimensión mental de la CVRS. Es importante considerar el grado de dependencia de la nicotina en la relación entre consumo de tabaco y CVRS.


Impact Factor JCR SSCI Clarivate 2023 = 3.2 (Q1) / CiteScore SCOPUS 2023 = 6.5 (Q1)