Psicothema was founded in Asturias (northern Spain) in 1989, and is published jointly by the Psychology Faculty of the University of Oviedo and the Psychological Association of the Principality of Asturias (Colegio Oficial de Psicología del Principado de Asturias).
We currently publish four issues per year, which accounts for some 100 articles annually. We admit work from both the basic and applied research fields, and from all areas of Psychology, all manuscripts being anonymously reviewed prior to publication.

  • Director: Laura E. Gómez Sánchez
  • Frequency:
         February | May | August | November
  • ISSN: 0214-9915
  • Digital Edition:: 1886-144X
  • Address: Ildelfonso Sánchez del Río, 4, 1º B
    33001 Oviedo (Spain)
  • Phone: 985 285 778
  • Fax: 985 281 374

Predictors of burnout among nurses: An interactionist approach

Cristina Queiros1, Mary Sandra Carlotto2, Mariana Kaiseler1, Sofia Dias1 and Ana Mónica Pereira1

1 Universidade do Porto (Portugal) and 2 Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil)

Background: Nurses’ practice involves working in complex organizational settings and facing multiple stressors over time that can lead to burnout. This study aimed to identify predictors of burnout among nurses working in hospitals. Method: A sample of 1,157 participants from four hospitals in the city of Porto (Portugal) was investigated (78% women, mean age = 34.7 years) using socio-demographic and work variable questionnaires, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-HSS), Personal Views Survey (PVS), Job Satisfaction Scale (S20/23), and Survey Work-Home Interaction - NijmeGen (SWING). Results: Multiple linear hierarchical regression analyses (stepwise method) showed that gender, age, years of experience at work, working in more than one institution, being involved in management positions, job satisfaction, hardiness, and experience of work-home and home-work interaction, seem to be predictors of burnout among nurses. Conclusions: This study adds support to the interactionist approach to burnout. In other words, it is crucial to investigate the relationship between several factors such as socio-demographic, work, and personality factors to understand burnout. Additionally, these findings should be taken into account when designing burnout prevention programs for nurses working in hospitals.

Predictores de Burnout en enfermeras: un enfoque interaccionista. Antecedentes: la práctica de enfermería implica trabajar en organizaciones complejas y enfrentar estresores múltiples que pueden llevar al síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo (burnout). El presente estudio pretende identificar predictores del burnout en enfermeras que trabajan en hospitales. Método: la muestra estuvo formada por 1.157 profesionales de enfermería trabajadores de cuatro hospitales de Porto (Portugal), siendo 78% mujeres (media de edad= 34,7 años). Se utilizó un cuestionario para recoger variables sociodemográficas y laborales, Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-HSS), Personal Views Survey (PVS), Job Satisfaction Scale (S20/23) y Survey Work-Home Interaction - NijmeGen (SWING). Resultados: el análisis de regresión linear jerárquica múltiple (stepwise method) mostró que el género, edad, años de trabajo, trabajar en más de una institución, participar en puestos de dirección, satisfacción laboral, personalidad resistente e interacción trabajo-familia son los principales predictores del burnout entre enfermeras. Conclusiones: este estudio apoya el enfoque interaccionista del burnout, siendo importante investigar la relación entre los factores sociodemográficos, laborales y de la personalidad para entender mejor el burnout. Además, estos resultados deben tenerse en cuenta para el diseño de programas de prevención de burnout para las enfermeras que trabajan en hospitales.


Impact Factor JCR SSCI Clarivate 2023 = 3.2 (Q1) / CiteScore SCOPUS 2023 = 6.5 (Q1)