Psicothema was founded in Asturias (northern Spain) in 1989, and is published jointly by the Psychology Faculty of the University of Oviedo and the Psychological Association of the Principality of Asturias (Colegio Oficial de Psicología del Principado de Asturias).
We currently publish four issues per year, which accounts for some 100 articles annually. We admit work from both the basic and applied research fields, and from all areas of Psychology, all manuscripts being anonymously reviewed prior to publication.

  • Director: Laura E. Gómez Sánchez
  • Frequency:
         February | May | August | November
  • ISSN: 0214-9915
  • Digital Edition:: 1886-144X
  • Address: Ildelfonso Sánchez del Río, 4, 1º B
    33001 Oviedo (Spain)
  • Phone: 985 285 778
  • Fax: 985 281 374

Psicothema, 2012. Vol. Vol. 24 (nº 2). 316-322

Evaluación de la equivalencia factorial y métrica de la Sexual Assertiveness Scale (SAS) por sexo

Juan Carlos Sierra, Pablo Santos-Iglesias y Pablo Vallejo-Medina

Universidad de Granada

La asertividad sexual se refiere a la habilidad con la que una persona inicia la actividad sexual, rechaza la actividad sexual no deseada y emplea métodos anticonceptivos, desarrollando comportamientos sexuales saludables. La Sexual Assertiveness Scale (SAS) evalúa estas tres dimensiones. El propósito del presente estudio es evaluar la equivalencia de la escala mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales y funcionamiento diferencial del ítem entre hombres y mujeres. También se proveerá de baremos a la prueba. Un total de 4.034 participantes de 21 provincias españolas participaron en este estudio. Se empleó un muestreo por cuotas. Los resultados indican una equivalencia factorial estricta para la Sexual Assertiveness Scale entre sexos. Un ítem ha mostrado funcionamiento diferencial del ítem, pero éste no parece afectar a la escala, por tanto no existe un sesgo notable en la escala al comparar entre sexos. Los baremos muestran puntuaciones similares entre hombres y mujeres en asertividad-inicio y mayores para las mujeres en asertividad-rechazo, y asertividad-uso de métodos anticonceptivos y prevención de embarazo. La escala puede ser usada en hombres y mujeres con garantías psicométricas suficientes.

Evaluation of the factorial and metric equivalence of the Sexual Assertiveness Scale (SAS) by sex. Sexual assertiveness refers to the ability to initiate sexual activity, refuse unwanted sexual activity, and use contraceptive methods to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, developing healthy sexual behaviors. The Sexual Assertiveness Scale (SAS) assesses these three dimensions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate, using structural equation modeling and differential item functioning, the equivalence of the scale between men and women. Standard scores are also provided. A total of 4,034 participants from 21 Spanish provinces took part in the study. Quota sampling method was used. Results indicate a strict equivalent dimensionality of the Sexual Assertiveness Scale across sexes. One item was flagged by differential item functioning, although it does not affect the scale. Therefore, there is no significant bias in the scale when comparing across sexes. Standard scores show similar Initiation assertiveness scores for men and women, and higher scores on Refusal and Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention for women. This scale can be used on men and women with sufficient psychometric guarantees.


Impact Factor JCR SSCI Clarivate 2023 = 3.2 (Q1) / CiteScore SCOPUS 2023 = 6.5 (Q1)