Psicothema was founded in Asturias (northern Spain) in 1989, and is published jointly by the Psychology Faculty of the University of Oviedo and the Psychological Association of the Principality of Asturias (Colegio Oficial de Psicología del Principado de Asturias).
We currently publish four issues per year, which accounts for some 100 articles annually. We admit work from both the basic and applied research fields, and from all areas of Psychology, all manuscripts being anonymously reviewed prior to publication.
Psicothema, 2011. Vol. Vol. 23 (nº 4). 759-764
David García-Burgos and Felisa González Reyes
Universidad de Granada
This paper presents two experiments on nutrient-based flavor conditioning with rats as subjects and sucrose as the unconditioned stimulus (US). Experiment 1 was aimed at establishing an optimal control for conditioning, comparing simultaneous and serial presentations of a flavor and the US. The results showed that simultaneous, but not serial training, produced conditioning. Experiment 2 was designed to obtain evidence of summation as an index of both conditioned inhibition and predictive learning. Group Simultaneous received Pavlovian conditioned inhibition training during which flavor A was simultaneously paired with sucrose on excitatory trials (A+), and forming an unreinforced compound with flavor B on inhibitory trials (AB-). An independent excitor for the summation test was also trained by simultaneous pairings with sucrose (C+). In the control group (Blocked), the AB- trials were presented forming a block at the beginning of training to avoid a negative contingency-relationship with sucrose, and flavor A received serial rather than simultaneous pairing with sucrose (A --> +). On the summation test, only in group Simultaneous was consumption of the CB compound lower than that of flavor C alone, suggesting that, during training, flavor A activated an expectancy of the US occurrence.
Aprendizaje predictivo en condicionamiento al sabor basado en nutrientes.Se presentan dos experimentos de condicionamiento al sabor basado en nutrientes con ratas. El Experimento 1 estableció una condición de control óptima para el condicionamiento comparando presentaciones simultáneas y seriales de un sabor y sacarosa. El procedimiento de entrenamiento simultáneo, pero no el serial, produjo condicionamiento. El Experimento 2 se diseñó para obtener evidencias de sumación como índice tanto de inhibición condicionada como de aprendizaje predictivo. El grupo simultáneo recibió entrenamiento en inhibición condicionada Pavloviana: el sabor A se presentó simultáneamente con sacarosa en los ensayos excitatorios (A+), y formando un compuesto no reforzado con el sabor B en los ensayos inhibitorios (AB-). Se entrenó también un excitador independiente para la prueba de sumación mediante emparejamientos simultáneos con sacarosa (C+). En el grupo control los ensayos AB- fueron presentados formando un bloque al inicio del entrenamiento, y el sabor A recibió emparejamientos seriales con la sacarosa en lugar de simultáneos (A --> +). En la prueba de sumación, el consumo del compuesto CB fue menor que el del sabor C en solitario solo en el grupo simultáneo, sugiriendo que durante el entrenamiento el sabor A activó una expectativa de la ocurrencia de la sacarosa.