Psicothema was founded in Asturias (northern Spain) in 1989, and is published jointly by the Psychology Faculty of the University of Oviedo and the Psychological Association of the Principality of Asturias (Colegio Oficial de Psicología del Principado de Asturias).
We currently publish four issues per year, which accounts for some 100 articles annually. We admit work from both the basic and applied research fields, and from all areas of Psychology, all manuscripts being anonymously reviewed prior to publication.
Psicothema, 2010. Vol. Vol. 22 (nº 3). 460-467
Alfredo Goñi Grandmontagne, Arantzazu Rodríguez Fernández e Igor Esnaola Etxaniz
Universidad del País Vasco
El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar la validez tetrafactorial del Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Físico (CAF) en la edad adulta y en la vejez, a partir de las respuestas de un total de 1.114 personas (39,5% hombres y 60,5% mujeres), divididas en cuatro grupos de edad (de 24 a 34 años, n= 390; de 35 a 49 años, n= 277; de 50 a 64 años, n= 330; de más de 65 años, n= 117). Las correlaciones entre escalas (habilidad física, condición física, atractivo físico y fuerza) son inferiores a las obtenidas en estudios previos, lo que apoya que son diferentes. De otro lado, los análisis factoriales confirmatorios ratifican la estructura tetrafactorial del cuestionario principalmente en el tramo de edad de 24 a 34 años.
Physical self-perceptions in adulthood and old age. The aim of this work is to confirm the tetra-factorial validity of the Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Físico (CAF [in English, the Physical Self-concept Questionnaire]) in adulthood and old age from the responses of 1,114 people (39.50% men and 60.50% women), divided into four age groups (24 to 34 years, n= 390; 35 to 49 years, n= 277; 50 to 64 years, n= 330; and over 65, n= 117). The correlations between scales (physical skills, physical fitness, physical attractiveness and strength) are lower than those obtained in previous studies, which supports their being different. However, confirmatory factor analysis supported the tetra-factorial structure primarily in the 24-34 age group.