Psicothema was founded in Asturias (northern Spain) in 1989, and is published jointly by the Psychology Faculty of the University of Oviedo and the Psychological Association of the Principality of Asturias (Colegio Oficial de Psicología del Principado de Asturias).
We currently publish four issues per year, which accounts for some 100 articles annually. We admit work from both the basic and applied research fields, and from all areas of Psychology, all manuscripts being anonymously reviewed prior to publication.
Psicothema, 2002. Vol. Vol. 14 (Suplem.1). 26-36
Pablo Espinosa Breen, Miguel Clemente Díaz, Miguel Ángel Vidal Vázquez
Universidade da Coruña, U. Pontificia de Salamanca, C.U. Cardenal Cisneros
El análisis del vínculo con la conducta social y en concreto, la delincuencia, ha sido a menudo uno de los objetivos principales de las investigación en razonamientom oral (ver Res, 1979; Blasi, 1980; Jurkovic, 1980; Nelson, Smith y Dodd 1990; Smetana, 1990; Rest y Narváez, 1994). En el presente estudio se examina este vínculo en individuos menores de edad. Para ello se ha administrado a una muestra de 523 sujetos españoles de ambos sexos y de entre 9 y 18 años el Cuestionario A-D de conductas antisociales de Seisdedos (1988) y la Medida Objetiva de Desarrollo Sociomoral (SROM) de Gibbs y cols. (1984). Una vez comprobada la estructura factorial original del Cuestionario A-D en nuestra muestra se han desarrollado una nueva serie de seis factores basados más en el carácter de dichas conductas que en la gravedad de las mismas, como ocurría con os factores originales. Utilizando el Modelo Lineal General, se comprueba a través de un ANOVA y contrastes lineales la relación entre el Desarrollo moral del menor y los factores conductuales hallados. A partir de este análisis, se discute la vinculación entre el factor denominado “Falta de Conciencia Cívica y Ecológica” y el razonamiento moral del Menor.
Antisocial behaviour and moral development in under-18’ s. The analysis of the link with social behaviour and in particular, Delinquency, has been one of the major goals of moral judgement research (see Rest, 1979; Blasi, 1980; Nelson, Smith & Dodd 1990; Smetana, 1990; Rest & Narváez, 1994). In the present study we analyse this link among under-18s. For this purpose, a sample of 523 Spanish subjects from both sexes aged 9-18 were administered the A-D Questionnaire of antisocial behaviours (Seisdedos, 1988) and the Sociomoral Reflection Objective Measure (SROM) from Gibbs et al. (1984). Once the original factorial structure for A-D. Questionnaire was tested for our sample, a new series of six factors were developed. These factors were based on the nature of antisocial behaviours rather than on its seriousness, as the original factors were. Using the General Linear Model, the ANOVA and linearity statistics carried out confirm the relation among moral development in minors ant the factors developed. From this point, the link between a factor called “Lack of Civic and Ecological Consciousness” and Moral Judgement in Minors is discussed.